November 13 attacks — Blog — David Durham

November 13 attacks

Taking the Pulse of Paris

David Durham
World to the Wise Podcast

Even though Becky and I had as one of our main purposes for this trip to Europe to observe and document the refugee crisis and its effect, along with other factors, on the European continent, the original prompt to make plans to be there were the November 13 attacks in Paris. So we made plans from the beginning to end our time in Europe in the City of Lights -- to take the pulse of this great city seven months after the attacks.

I sat down with an old friend, Marie Breton, who spoke candidly about life in Paris and her memories of the night of the attacks. Not something any of us would want to live through, but it's part of our current reality.


What do we do in the face of such atrocity? I share some of my own thoughts at the end of the interview.

Next week we do a wrap-up of this six-week European odyssey and we've learned from it.